Monday, June 02, 2008

Hard work never hurts

and this summer Mr Doodles will prove that.

The owners of the RV park asked him since he did such a good job doing some landscape job, would he consider taking care of the whole park. Now mind you they have sixty acres but thank heavens not all of those sixty acres has to be mowed or weed whacked.
dusty Mr Doodles

For those of you that know Mr Doodles you know he works hard no matter what the job whether it's his own business or someone else's business. The owners said to me the other day that their property has never looked so good and it just makes them so happy. Being a previous business owner we know how wonderful it is to have a caring, hard working employee, and it makes going to sleep at nite a bit easier.would this be a finch???

He keeps my small camera in his pocket just in case he comes upon a photo op.

So life is good in Gunnison, CO..............stay tuna'd for some photos cause we have a couple a days off coming up.


Deborah Eley De Bono said...

I can attest to the fact that, yes, Mr Doodles is a hard worker. And Doodles, too.

I think that birdy is a hooded oriole.

Bee said...

Y'all make the cutest couple. I bet he's a very nice man.