Saturday, May 19, 2007

three states in two days...

and Mr Doodles is driving, how cool is that!

Here we are in beautiful Biloxi, Mississippi. We both waved good-bye to Florida, when we crossed into Alabama. There happens to be a couple of casinos in Biloxi, so think I just might go see if I can try my luck and win some $$$ for fuel.

It has been great to hear from all of you….while still in the Panhandle, the air card for internet connection was quite slow so I didn’t get to get on. I am sure that will happen more often than not when in remote areas.

BTW Buddy is a great trailer cat…he has adjusted quite well.

OK more when we get a bit further on down the road……..stay tuna’d!!!

ps.......holy crap Mr Doodles just came it to invite me out to our lovely patio area and join him in a Corona. He is showing off because he put the awning out by himself. Remind me to tell y'all bout the first time we tackled the awning. It might just appear on funniest home kidding.


Ilva said...

So good to hear that you're on the road! Enjoy the freedom! And please, more pics!

Anonymous said...

When I first read that, I thought it said "...and Bob is driving!" I was thinking, "How cool is that. They're letting the cat drive!" Are you having just tons of fun?

Keep us posted and tell us the awning story soon. Remember, I am living viacariously through you!


Deborah Eley De Bono said...

Oh, don't forget to take some video and put on YouTube then we can post on your blog.

How's the weather?

barb said...

the weather is mornings, that won't last long I'm sure.

One of my jobs is to locate the Vcam for documentation.

Must get my thoughts together and clean up the verbage before posting about the awning deal.

Also RV folks are early risers...going out for my walk...

Cottage Kid said...

Can't wait till that video of the awning is posted!

Anonymous said... under the awning...y'all are living the good life now !! hurry with the awning story...I need to increase my sailor vocabulary !


barb said...

not be printing the awning story cause I wanna see your cute little faces when we relay said story.