We are the managers of a Pumpkin lot.......you know the place where you go buy all those pumpkins and gourds and decorations for your porch for Halloween and your holiday table for Thanksgiving.
Excuse me I don't hear you snickering or laughing do I???
Oh and should I mention this company also has a Christmas Tree lot that needs a manager.................stay tuna'd!!!
No, you didn't hear me giggling, but you probably saw a huge grin on my face. How cool?! Working in a pumpkin patch! I think it's wonderful and abusurd in a totally fun, quirky way. suits you. (That was a compliment.)
and Bee I did take that as a compliment and I agree in a quirky way it fits us. HA!!!
I've not seen you so happy in a while, it does suit you. Plus your boss doesn't know he has the marketing couple of the year that dropped down in his pumkin' patch. I know you'll have fun.
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