Wednesday, December 30, 2009

May I introduce you to

Mr Humphrey Bogart  aka Bogey

Nice way to start the New Year.................hope your New Year is full of warm fuzzies

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

Thursday, December 24, 2009


Well our journey at TreeLand has ended . Do I sound sad............nope not a bit, just mixed emotions, lotsa mixed emotions.

Mr and I are speeding our way to the wide open Desert to spend time with FAMILY!!! Cannot wait cause there just ain't nuttin better than Christmas with FAMILY.

I must close, but not without mentioning our beloved Buddy the cat. We miss him every single day and especially now cause he loved chewing on the fir branches that I would cut off and bring in to make an arrangement.

Did I say Merry Christmas.................yep I just did.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

You must go see this

Sister had a guest Chef, "the princess" to help her make her Christmas cookies this year.

What an honor..............hope she saved us a couple a those treats.

Thursday, November 26, 2009 betcha!!!

So y'all know that we are at the Christmas tree lot babysitting the pines.

Well we are grateful that in 29 days we will sweep the pine needles from under our feet and travel on down to the Desert and spend Christmas with family. Be prepared for some tasty treats that we will concoct plus a few family photos.

Can you hear and feel my excitement..................woo hoo!!!

ps.................see that big tree over on the right of the tent??? it is 15 feet tall and the very most perfect shape.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

It was a tough drive

because our black furry navigator was not along for the ride.  Buddy will always be in our hearts he just wasn't sitting on the center console traveling along with Mr and myself.

Having said all that we have some very fond memories of our recent visit with my sweet sister and dear bro in law while babysitting the pumpkin patch, even got to spend quality time with sweet niece and nepew in law.

Of course food was involved, laughs many laughs, some quiet time as well as visits with friends.  A Princess visit or three was also included.  And did I mention food.

So now we are babysitting the Christmas tree's, no tree's yet but there will be the day after Thanksgiving. 

So let that be a warning y'all won't be hearing much from me because it's really, really busy.  Given the economy I wonder how tree sales will be this year?

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Then we went for a walk

On the beach in Ventura......a glorious sunny day with surfers galore. Weather, wind and waves must have been just perfect.

Hate saying it but I didn't bring my #1 camera..........oh well still photos were taken.

And since I mentioned lunch I'll share with you a photo of a couple a desserts.

Eric Ericsson's has wonderful entrees but their desserts are pretty danged wonderful also.

Anice photo but then I shoulda been paying a bit more attention cause

yep those are my big wet feet. Glad I had my jeans rolled up.

Hey sister!!! What a nice day!!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I really like shadows

I especially love these shadows.........................three of my very favorite folks. This was taken this afternoon on the Ventura Pier after a very wonderful lunch...............thanks shadows it was fun.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

May he rest in peace

We have lost our Buddy.  And yes it's terribly difficult., in fact it sucks.  I'm sure that I could Google to find out how to cope with losing your pet. 

Well Mr Doodles and I are gonna handle it in our own way.  We will mourn, shed several tears, talk about Buddy, think about him and even think he's here walking around our feet.

We will miss you Buddy, thank you for bringing joy and lots of laughs to our lives.

Thanks so much to my sweet sister and our dear bro in law for being here,  you have no idea how much we appreciated your being here.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Oh yes I can says the Princess

I can do this!!!

Monday, November 09, 2009

Take a hike, see a bird or 100's

Woke Sunday a.m. to a bit of fog but nothing like yesterday.  So off we traveled a short distance to the Gillette Ranch for a hike with  a possiblity of viewing some migratory birds and a couple of resident feathered friends.

Our party consisted of brother-in-law, sister as well as a very dear friend..  Notice the absence of Mr Doodles, well way to early for him to rise.  Met up with a few other early risers and the resident expert.  Oh and yes Gillette Ranch would be the razor guy.  More about that here.

The hike was way easy, many of the resident birds have traveled south, but many make the Gillette Ranch their home year round.  The resident expert John, was very knowledgeable and fun.

A few photos for your viewing enjoyment.  As always click on the photos for better viewing.

not a bird but a very cool spider web

there is a sweet little red headed bird on that short limb in front

a very sweet, quite chubby feathered friend on the ground

this would be the algae filled pond, rather odd but looked like a painting

one of the many Gillette homes on the compound

just liked this

A wonderful couple three hours being out in the gorgeous fresh air and enjoying our surroundings.  Needless to say we had to end the adventure with a little food and of course Mr Doodles was up for brunch.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

I am so lazy

but sister is a much better writer than I.  A wonderful time was had and you know us well enough to know there is always food involved.

So go read about our adventure here.  More adventures to come I promise.

And if you get minute keep our cat Buddy in your good thoughts please.............thank you.

Sunday, November 01, 2009


Pumpkins are over, trees to be making their appearance soon. Actually way too soon for my liking but hey what the heck.

I did notice in some of the larger stores like Taget and WM there is Christmas decorations up, their subtle you might not notice them but they are there, look up snowflakes hanging from the ceiling...............nooooooo!!!

Am I the only one to get annoyed at the Christmas decor gracing the stores we all frequent. My opionion is they put it up so early it just numbs me from seeing it cause it's up for so danged long.

But before trees get erected in the lot Mr and I are gonna spend some fun time with family. Get some culture, see a movie or three, shop a bit, spend some time at the beach and of course be Thankful.

for more updates and photos to follow.

Oh and I need permission from the Momma of the Princess to post her photo.................she was dressed as Minnie Mouse. Let me tell ya she was just the cutest Minnie Mouse just you wait and see.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


at the Pumpkin Patch usually ain't too busy so being bored for me is dangerous. This is the least dangerous thing I could do............I think she's Molly................Mr Doodles seems to think she looks like a female in the Jack-in-the-Box commercial. Sorry but Jack in the Box is only West Coast.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Pumpkin Patch Party Pictures

Just a couple to share...............

Our very lovely and sweet Princess

Meet the cousin who we shall call the Prince

A wonderful time was enjoyed by all on a very warm day which was not quite perfect for a day at the Pumpkin Patch.......but fun none the less.
Thanks to all our guests.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

I met a man........

Not at all what you think, but he was quite attractive and Italian.

I'm babysitting the Pumkin Patch, I notice this fella standing outside the fence taking pictures, being the kind person I am most of the time I invite him in by saying "you are more than welcome to come inside to take your pictures". A smile appears and in very broken but not too bad english he says "we have nothing like this in our country".

Being that I never met a stranger I tell hime to come in look around and I'll introduce you to some very unusual gourds and squash. We exchanged recipe ideas on how to use pumpkins and squash.

Turns out Lucca is from Genoa, Italy. "how long will you be visiting our country?" Oh he says "just four days, I'm here to see Pat Benetar". "Really" I say "you flew from Italy to here just to see Pat Benetar? I do believe you win the prize for coming the farthest and being the biggest fan. My word!! Lucca tells me he has done this before a few times but never to Los Angeles. "Thank you for such nice weather" he says.

We chat for awhile longer and I tell him how to get to the ocean driving his rental he goes quite excited to see the Pacific.

Pat Benetar at the Canyon Club It appears we will be closing the "Patch" early tonite since the club shares our parking lot. I have a feeling Lucca will not be the only person attending.

Oh Lucca's favorite way to eat pumpkin is in risotto with roasted pignoli added.

Friday, October 16, 2009

This makes me very sad

When I heard about this horrible incident it just made me so sad.

It seems the the US government deems bullying important enough to put up a web site for kids with an adult tab also read about it here

I am so very sad that this takes place and has since the beginning of time. I like you remember bullying in school and came to a little girls defense when she was being yelled at with horrible names. It happened at a new school I has just started. I honestly remember thinking no one would do that in my old school.

I also had encountered a bullying incident in the workplace several years ago, no I wasn't the person being bullied, but it was two woman against one. At the time I never heard of bullying in the workplace.

Wouldn't it be a good idea to find out why bullies are bullying, try stopping it to happen. We as a society cannot allow this to continue at this alarming rate.

Would love your opinions..................

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Maybe just maybe

If we had one of these weight watchers in the kitchen we wouldn't need a Fat Tax or even a soda tax

I'm not nearly as naive as I sound sometimes but if you look at the statistics of people on welfare funds and the obesity rate, it's shocking.  I had those numbers somewhere and now I can't find them, if I do I'll post them. 

Could we try harder at educating people.  I would certainly volunteer to help show someone how to cook a healthy meal and I'm betting you would too.  If someone would organze it I'd jump right in. 

A year or so ago I had the occasion of being in a food bank in Arizona.  I was dropping off some clothes and the Women's Abuse Center was connected to the food bank.  Being the nosy curious person that I am I wandered in just to see what's what.  Is it cheaper to donate junk food than it is to donate veggies and good/better food items.    I'm not saying that there weren't some of that but certainly not enough cause I caught up with the assistant director and asked. 

There is a local grower of tomatoes that only grows organic products, they donate  several cases every week and they are yummy, I know cause the lady gave me a couple.  But I also know that there are other growers in the area and I didn't see any apples, pears or vegetables of any kind there.  The lady I spoke with was quite surprised that the community doesn't step up.  They do get things from area markets that may be close to expired.

Now think about how many food banks there are in this country and think about that food banks client..............I am amazed and would like to do my share so

Monday, October 12, 2009

an email from the President

Many millions got this very same email, now you do know that the naysayers are going to complain about the money Mr Obama will receive cause it's a tidy sum.  Let's admit the man has class a lot of class and integrity, something that has been missing for quite awhile. 

But I am tired, really tired of looking back at all those despicable people and will no longer refer to any of them.  We have a lot to look forward to let's begin to look forward.


This morning, Michelle and I awoke to some surprising and humbling news. At 6 a.m., we received word that I'd been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009.
To be honest, I do not feel that I deserve to be in the company of so many of the transformative figures who've been honored by this prize -- men and women who've inspired me and inspired the entire world through their courageous pursuit of peace.

But I also know that throughout history the Nobel Peace Prize has not just been used to honor specific achievement; it's also been used as a means to give momentum to a set of causes.

That is why I've said that I will accept this award as a call to action, a call for all nations and all peoples to confront the common challenges of the 21st century. These challenges won't all be met during my presidency, or even my lifetime. But I know these challenges can be met so long as it's recognized that they will not be met by one person or one nation alone.

This award -- and the call to action that comes with it -- does not belong simply to me or my administration; it belongs to all people around the world who have fought for justice and for peace. And most of all, it belongs to you, the men and women of America, who have dared to hope and have worked so hard to make our world a little better.

So today we humbly recommit to the important work that we've begun together. I'm grateful that you've stood with me thus far, and I'm honored to continue our vital work in the years to come.

Thank you,

President Barack Obama

In the beginning

Oh my word, my blogging experience started on October 12th, ya go read it here.

When I look back and read some of my very first, quite lame posts I had actually forgotten about some of the incidents I posted about, like all them hurricanes.

Thank you dear Sister for the introduction to blogging. I'm like you if someone
reads my blog I'm thrilled, I'm more than thrilled when someone leaves a comment.

So much has happened in the past four years and yep we are still on the road and intend to continue being gypsies. Cause I love taking photos of the beautiful vistas of this country and meeting the many kind residents of this country.

The sites we have seen have been pretty cool, so as I have said from the very beginning...............................stay tuna'd

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Yep I am very thankful for my Canadian friends, near and far.

Thursday, October 01, 2009


I don't know why I find this so funny guess I just needed a laugh and this site of cats is hysterical.  Do you need to laugh out loud click on this.

Monday, September 28, 2009


Can you hear my excitement

Right now we are motoring down Interstate 15 headed South, in the same time zone as sister and family, that's a good thing folks.

So I'm gonna lay low for a few days, next time you'll hear from me will be in Southern California.

As always.................................

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

One more day

Dear Lord please give me one more day
One more day of getting old
One more day to watch the meadows green
Or to see the aspens turn to gold.

Just one more day to visit with friends we've met
Another day upon a mountain top
Breathing air that's fresh and sweet.
Good Lord you know I truly love this life
Although I seldom pray
And I thank you so that I've been blessed
To live it day by day.
But, if you had just one more precious day
That I could beg, steal or borrow
I'd live with appreciation, zeal and pride
Then I'd ask again tomorrow.
red scrub oak and golden aspen with a few pines mixed in

This is a portion of a poem written and
read by John Nel
son at an afternoon of Cowboy Poetry at a local book store. Too bad I couldn't get any photos but they weren't permitted. So having just recently heard this poem, Mr Doodles and I decided OK one more day.............we'll go to the mountains. Oh my word, picture this.............. a twelve mile trip up a gravel/dirt road to what is called Rainbow Lake. That gravel road is lined with sagebrush, scrub oak, those stunning golden aspen and some of the tallest pine trees we have ever seen. Around every bend on the grimy dirty road were many ooohs and aaahs, some of which I'll share with you here and on my photo blog.

We'll be packing up here and heading south in the next couple of days. We will miss the friends and the area a lot.

Please enjoy the photos I have taken while spending the day on the mountain..........oh did I tell you when we were up there on top of this mountain some 10,300 foot elevation it SNOWED!!! Now ya know why we are headed south?!?!

See SNOW!!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

A new love

Y'all know I love my husband of almost thirty nine years, I love my cat Buddy for fifteen years, my family forever and my friends, what would I be without my friends..............but..............there's always that BUT my friend Tie says.

Meet my new love..........pretty isn't he and he's fast, fast, & sleek.
Everyone in this household has a name me, Mr Doodles, Buddy Grace the RV and Louie the truck so he needs a name and I haven't come up with one leave your suggestions in the comments