Wednesday, March 31, 2010

FYI.............a public service message UPDATE

Well it's fixed for me hope everyone else is fixed also!!

If you don't already know this...............blogger has some issues.  Can't post photos with my blog.  Trying to be patient.


Allie and Pattie said...

That's been going on for a couple of days- yesterday was a disaster. Someone I know lost all her links. They need to get it together! Welcome back!!
xoxo Pattie

barb said...

Thanks Pattie...........I did read all the comments over on blogspot. Sounds like they really have a bigger problem

Anonymous said...

Yesterday I attempted to post photos via email on my blog. They didn't come through so I got on the blog to post and it did work. I thought the problem was me === thanks for the info...... I feel better.

Bee said...

Blogger is always having some issue or another. I'd maybe move if I knew how! Glad it's fixed for you, Doods. It'd be pretty bad to a photo blog and not be able to put up photos!