Saturday, September 09, 2006

Must share with y'all more stuff about my trip

cause I have more snaps to share.
So here we all are gathered together to what, EAT again!!! We meet up at niece little birds house. We being sister moon, her hunky husband and me. We had decided that we would not cook but get take-out from a joint sister has been drooling over which would be Jr’s BBQ. If Wilson Pickett ate there it is good enough for us. Located not too far from niece’s house sister ordered when little birds dear husband arrives home from his place of work. Think she ordered half a cow and a portion of a pig cause it was a huge platter when we went to pick up our order. Crikey it would have fed the customers in the restaurant, BUT being the gluttons we are we marched that pig and cow right on home.
While readying said meal little bird sat to have some quiet time from her busy day and she chose to do her needlepoint work of art she is creating of course while chatting with us all . I love this snap – it happens to be of her youngest fur ball, who happens to be as precious as he looks. I think I have posted snaps of her Max and his big brother Multy but here are a couple taken on this past trip.

little bird and Max

Multy looking too cute!!!

And not to be outdone is my very favorite dog, that would be Buddy “the dog” cousin to my Buddy “the cat”. While visiting Buddy the dog had a visit by the groomer. Well something got lost in the communication and Buddy got more of a shave than a trim. But being the handsome pup that Buddy is, he looks good in anything he wears. He is one sweet pup!
Take a look at what sister posted.

I must also add that sister madea a rustic peach tart, YUMMMMM!!! The peaches at that time were so very flavorful that we seemed to be eating peaches at every meal. I don't know if we have snaps of that but sister moon may post the peach tart - check in over at PBE ! I told ya all we ever do is eat or plan what we are gonna eat ;-)

There will be more I'm sure so stay tuna'd..........................

1 comment:

Deborah Eley De Bono said...

Love the photos! But then they are one of my favorite subjects.