Tuesday, April 18, 2006


ya know there are times when a fantasy is just that a fantasy, a hope, a dream, a castle in the sky. Well I have been having a fantasy the last couple weeks and I am willing, in fact obligated to share it with y'all. My castle in the sky, my whimsical dream would be that "The West Wing", yep the TV show were not a whimsical dream but a reality......Ha if that's not a castle in the sky nothing is. No it's not a fantasy about President-elect Santos errr a Jimmy Smits.

BUT, always the BUT..........Hollywood has done a dern good job of convincing me that I could support the cast of "The West Wing" if in fact they chose to run.

Maybe that's why I like the show so very much I am hopeful that those actors would/could do a better job than those goofs that are in there now.

So if ya get a chance catch the last few episode of "The West Wing" , more than likely you will be fantasizing to.

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